International Team at the Helm

Muralya Dairy – Kerala’s first international dairy brand derives its strength from a team of experienced international investors with exposure and knowledge of working in multicultural international markets as well as in India. It boasts of a Management Team comprising of experienced dairy professionals with proven track records in international and national dairy projects. All functional divisions of the company are headed by experts in the respective subjects and are backed by a committed and passionate workforce.

Contact Us


Muralya Dairy Products Pvt Ltd, Killi, Thoongapara Road, Kattakada, Trivandrum - 695572, Kerala, India


Sales Depot


Muralya Dairy Products Pvt Ltd, Nr. Lords Hospital Bypass Road, Anayara- 695029


Muralya Dairy Product Pvt Ltd Building No 20/961 Puthenveedu Mylapure Umayanalloor PO Kollam 691589


Muralya Dairy Products Private Limited, Ground floor, Building No: 64/5289, Angel Te Deum, North Palathuruthy Pipeline Road, Katrikadavu, Kochi- 682017

Trivandrum Sales Outlet

Muralya Dairy Products Pvt Ltd. Opp. Vydhuthi Bhavan Pattom Trivandrum


Killi | Thoongapara Road | Kattakada | Trivandrum - 695572 | Kerala | India | +91 4712293535